Happy Weekend Off

It's going to be a few weeks until it's really official.... but guess what?!
I'm getting promoted at work. Full time. Salary. Doing what I love. 
Needless to say, I'm pretty excited. 

A little scared and intimidated right now - but so, so excited! 

I've been so busy at work, and it's only going to get busier now. But that's okay. 
This is my first weekend off since I started. And I'll be taking a little mini-vacation during the fourth of July, for Mikey's parent's vow renewal! I'm so excited! 

I think it's time for a few pictures now and then I'm taking this dress off and putting some jeans on! Happy Weekend!!!! AND HAPPY SUMMER!


I'm really stressing today. It's only 9:30am.

It's only Wednesday

This week started off right. Monday was busy so it went by quick.
The rest of the week has been a different story... and it's only Wednesday.

I've been crazy busy at work (especially with my boss leaving tomorrow to go on vacation for two weeks), and it's just dragging on.... this week feels never-ending.

I'm excited for the weekend. Although Saturday will be insane at work, I'll have Sunday and Monday off because of Memorial Day!!! I really need two days off. One to get shit done and the other to sleep all day.

Oh yea! I'll be getting a car on Sunday. I'm really nervous. Kind of excited, especially since I've always secretly wished for this (deep down). But still super nervous, because I'm a freaking wreck behind the wheel of a car. I'm not a bad driver; I just tense up and become overly cautious (dangerously, even) of all of my surroundings. It sucks, and I need to get over it.

Rheanna and Jordan picked me up from work today. We spent a couple of hours listening to music, painting, making/eating pancakes, and talking -- then went for fro-yo (sorbet for me!). She's having a pretty rough week too, so it was nice to spend some time together.

Here's hoping that tomorrow is a better day, although I already know my work day is going to be ridiculous from the second I walk in the door......

Maybe next week will be better. Fingers crossed.


Yea, so...

I'm just not used to working full time yet (and I'm not really even full time lol)

some things have happened lately, some of them are:

Amendment one passed in NC and now needs to repealed
I got my driver's license
Tara visited, but she's gone now
Mikey put our backyard fence up
Mikey got a job and has been gone ever since
I'm in need of a car
I finally got some wiener works
I experienced my first kitchen/house fire
I fail at cooking and thus give up
The house is pretty filthy because I'm too tired to clean when I get home from work
I'm getting fat again
It's been raining almost every day for a week (over a week, maybe?)

seems like it anyway

Lily ate my favorite flats
I bought a new pair of red sandals
And an awesome new purse
Turkey sandwiches make great lunches
I have yet to finish Mockingjay
I want to start reading The Lovely Bones
I missed out on going ice skating with my besties because I had to work
I don't like working
I like my job

for the most part

Ok, now here's a ton of pictures: